Malynovsky, Yoanykii

Malynovsky, Yoanykii [Малиновський, Йоаникій; Malynovs'kyj, Joanykij], b 16 November 1868 in Ostroh, Volhynia gubernia, d 12 January 1932 in Kyiv. Historian of law; from 1919 a full member of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (VUAN). He taught law at Tomsk University and Don University before moving to Kyiv (1924) and becoming chairman of the VUAN Commission for the Study of Ukraine's Customary Law and editor of its publications. He was also president of the Society of Ukrainian Jurists. His specialty was the law of Rus’ and the Lithuanian-Ruthenian state, customary law, and Soviet law. His more important works were Uchenie o prestuplenii po Litovskomu Statutu (The Doctrine of Crime according to the Lithuanian Statute, 1894), Rada Velikogo Kniazhestva Litovskogo v sviazi s boiarskoi Dumoi drevnei Rusi (The Council of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in relation to the Boyar Duma of Ancient Rus’, 2 vols, 1903–4, 1912), Radians'ki popravcho-trudovi ustanovy porivniuiuchy z burzhuaznymy tiurmamy (Soviet Corrective-Labor Institutions as Compared to Bourgeois Prisons, 1928), and Starodavnii derzhavnyi lad skhidnikh slov’ian i ioho piznishi zminy (The Ancient State System of the Eastern Slavs and Its Later Changes, 1929).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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