Maisky, Mykhailo

Maisky, Mykhailo [Майський, Михайло; Majs'kyj, Myxajlo; pseudonym of Михайло Булґаков; Mykhailo Bulgakov], b 3 June 1889 in Hraivoron, Kursk gubernia (now in Kursk oblast, Russian Federation), d 31 December 1960 in Kharkiv. Writer. Maisky initially wrote in Russian, and was first published in 1920. He then began writing in Ukrainian, joined Hart and Vaplite, and published collections of short stories, among which were Nich (Night, 1925), Tvortsi biloho mista (The Creators of the White City, 1927), Borh (Debt, 1930), Industriial'ni etiudy (Industrial Etudes, 1930), Ispyt (The Test, 1930), Noveli (Novellas, 1930), Zlochyny staroho maistra (The Crimes of the Old Master, 1931), and Kosmynyna problema (Kosmyn’s Problem, 1932). He was repressed in the early 1930s, and withdrew from further literary work.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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