Lukasevych, Yevmen

Lukasevych, Yevmen [Лукасевич, Євмен; Lukasevyč, Jevmen], b 26 December 1871 in Bila, Chortkiv county, Galicia, d 20 December 1929 in Warsaw. Physician and civic leader. After completing his medical studies in Zurich (1901) he settled in Kyiv, where he worked as a zemstvo physician, was a member of the Ukrainian Scientific Society, helped found the Chas publishing house and the Prosvita society, and was active in the Rodyna club. In 1917–18 he helped organize the Ukrainian Red Cross and the Chief Sanitation Administration and published the monthly Ukraïns’ki medychni visty. At the end of 1918 he headed a diplomatic mission of the Ukrainian National Republic to Switzerland, and in 1920 he was appointed deputy minister for foreign affairs in Viacheslav Prokopovych’s cabinet. Having settled in Warsaw after the First World War, he founded and directed a hospital there and financed the daily newspaper Ukraïns’ka trybuna (Warsaw). He compiled and published Anatomichnyi slovnyk (Anatomical Dictionary, 1926).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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