Lozynsky, Mykhailo

Lozynsky, Mykhailo [Лозинський, Михайло; Lozyns’kyj, Myxajlo], b 30 June 1880 in Babyne, Kalush county, Galicia, d 3 November 1937 in in Sandarmokh, Karelia region, RSFSR. Lawyer, publicist, and political figure. He was a collaborator with the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine, editor of Hromads’kyi holos, a longtime contributor to and coeditor of Dilo, and a contributor to Hromads’ka dumka, Rada (Kyiv), and Haslo, the official organ of the Revolutionary Ukrainian party (RUP). In March 1919 he served as undersecretary of foreign affairs for the Western Province of the Ukrainian National Republic, a member of the delegation for negotiating the Ukrainian-Polish peace treaty, and a participant at the Paris Peace Conference. In 1921–7 he was a professor of international law at the Ukrainian Free University in Prague. Later he emigrated to the USSR and chaired the Department of Law at the Institute of the National Economy and worked at the Ukrainian Institute of Marxism-Leninism in Kharkiv. Lozynsky’s works, dealing with the modern history of Western Ukraine, included Pol'skyi i rus'kyi revoliutsiinyi rukh i Ukraïna (The Polish and Ruthenian Revolutionary Movement and Ukraine, 1908), Utvorennia ukraïns'koho koronnoho kraiu v Avstrii (1915; republished in German as Die Schaffung einer ukrainischen Provinz in Oesterreich, 1915), Halychyna v zhyttiu Ukraïny (Galicia in the Life of Ukraine, 1916), Halychyna v rr. 1918–1920: Rozvidky i materiialy (Galicia in the Years 1918–20: Research and Materials, 1922; repr 1970), Uvahy pro ukraïns'ku derzhavnist' (Remarks Concerning Ukrainian Statehood, 1927), and U desiatyrichchia halyts'koï revolutsiï: Fakty i sproba otsinky (On the Tenth Anniversary of the Revolution in Galicia: Facts and an Attempted Evaluation, 1928). He was also the author of a textbook on international law (1922) and a collection dedicated to Stanyslav Dnistriansky, Okhorona natsional'nykh menshostei (Defense of National Minorities, 1923), as well as research articles on Mykhailo Drahomanov, Mykhailo Pavlyk, and others. In 1930 he was arrested by the NKVD and deported to the Northern Urals. He was shot in 1937 during the mass executions of political and other prisoners marking the twentieth anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917.

[This article was updated in 2015.]

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