Khraplyvy, Yevhen

Khraplyvy, Yevhen [Храпливий, Євген; Xraplyvyj, Jevhen], b 22 June 1898 in Lysivtsi, Zalishchyky county, Galicia, d 6 May 1949 in Erlangen, Germany. Agricultural economist, co-operative movement leader; from 1935 full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. A graduate of the Higher School of Agriculture in Vienna (1924), he earned a doctorate in 1933 at the Ukrainian Husbandry Academy in Poděbrady, Czechoslovakia. From 1925 he worked as an inspector of dairy co-operatives at the Audit Union of Ukrainian Co-operatives (RSUK) and then as director of the Silskyi Hospodar society (1928–39). At the same time he edited a number of co-operative periodicals such as the weekly Hospodars’ko-kooperatyvnyi chasopys (1930–3), the semimonthly Sil’s’kyi hospodar (1926–?), and the quarterly Ukraïns’kyi agronomichnyi vistnyk (1934–8). During the Second World War he was briefly a member of the Ukrainian State Administration in Lviv and then taught agronomy at the Lviv Polytechnical Institute and the State Agricultural Courses in Dubliany (1942–4). A displaced person in Germany after the war, he taught agricultural economics at the Ukrainian Technical and Husbandry Institute in Regensburg and at the Ukrainian Free University in Munich. Besides numerous articles, his publications include popular and scholarly monographs: for example, Osnovy kooperatyvnoho molocharstva (Foundations of Co-operative Dairying, 1927), Sil's'ke hospodarstvo halyts'ko-volyns'kykh zemel' (Agriculture in Galician-Volhynian Territories, 1936), and Hospodarstvo Kholmshchyny i Pidliashshia (Farming in the Kholm region and Podlachia, 1944). Only the first booklet of his Ukraïns'ka sil's'ko-hospodars'ka entsyklopediia (Ukrainian Agricultural Encyclopedia) appeared in print before the outbreak of the Second World War.

Bohdan Krawchenko

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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