
Image - The Kara-Dag ridge in the Crimean Mountains. Image - The Kara-Dag ridge in the Crimean Mountains.

Kara-Dag. Map: IX-16. A volcanic ridge, up to 577 m in elevation, lying in the eastern part of the Crimean Mountains on the coast of the Black Sea, into which it drops abruptly in ledges. The lower slopes of the Kara-Dag are forested with oak, hornbeam, and ash, and the upper slopes are covered with steppe vegetation. In 1907–14 the Kara-Dag Biological Station, which later became the Kara-Dag branch of the Institute of the Biology of Southern Seas of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, was set up to study the biology of the Kara-Dag (see Kara-Dag Nature Reserve).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1989).]

Image - The Kara-Dag ridge in the Crimean Mountains. Image - The Kara-Dag ridge in the Crimean Mountains. Image - The Kara-Dag ridge in the Crimean Mountains. Image - The Kara-Dag ridge in the Crimean Mountains. Image - The Kara-Dag ridge in the Crimean Mountains. Image - The Kara-Dag ridge in the Crimean Mountains.

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