Ihnatiienko, Varfolomii

Ihnatiienko, Varfolomii [Ігнатієнко, Варфоломій; Ihnatijenko, Varfolomij], b 25 August 1892 in Ozeriany, Lokhvytsia county, Poltava gubernia, d 11 November 1937 in Uman, Kyiv oblast. Bibliographer. He worked at the Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Bibliology and directed the bibliographic department in 1923–31. He wrote Ukraïns’ka presa 1916–23 (The Ukrainian Press 1916–23, 1926) and Bibliohrafiia ukraïns’koï presy za sto lit, 1816–1916 (Bibliography of the Ukrainian Press, 1816–1916, 1930). He also contributed many articles to the journals Bibliohrafichni visti, Knyha, and Zhyttia i revoliutsiia. During the Stalinist terror he was arrested by NKVD on 1 September 1937 and later executed.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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