Hryshchenko, Mykyta

Hryshchenko, Mykyta [Грищенко, Микита; Hryščenko], b 27 September 1900 in Trushky, Vasylkiv county, Kyiv gubernia, d 15 November 1987 in Kyiv. Scholar and pedagogue. A graduate of the Kyiv Institute of the National Economy (1926), he held the Chair of Pedagogy at Kyiv University from 1958 to 1975. His chief publications are Rozvytok narodnoï osvity na Ukraïni za roky Radians'koï vlady (The Development of Public Education in Ukraine under the Soviet Regime, 1957) and Spadshchyna K.D. Ushyns'koho i pytannia pedahohiky vyshchoï shkoly (K.D. Ushynsky’s Heritage and the Question of Pedagogy in Higher Schools, 1975).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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