Hospodars’ko-kooperatyvnyi chasopys

Hospodars’ko-kooperatyvnyi chasopys [«Господарсько-кооперативний часопис»] (The Farming-Co-operative Periodical). An official organ of the Provincial Audit Union (later the Audit Union of Ukrainian Co-operatives), which appeared in Lviv from 1921 to 1944, with a break in 1940–1. At first it was a monthly, published for the Provincial Committee for Organizing Co-operatives by the Silskyi Hospodar association. On 10 August 1922 it became a semimonthly, and in 1925, a weekly. Its chief editors were Yuliian Pavlykovsky (1921), Mykhailo Korchynsky and A. Havrylko (1922–7), Zynovii Pelensky (1927–30), Yevhen Khraplyvy (1930–3), and Vasyl Levytsky-Sofroniv (1933–44). It printed articles of a theoretical nature as well as educational and instructional articles on agriculture and economics, especially concerning the co-operative movement. The journal was illustrated by Edvard Kozak from 1927.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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