Hospodar i promyshlennyk

Hospodar i promyshlennyk («Господар і промишленник»; The Farmer and Manufacturer). An illustrated semimonthly periodical devoted to agriculture, industry, and commerce (see agricultural periodicals), published in Stanyslaviv from November 1879 to 1882 and then in Lviv (1883–7). A total of 163 issues appeared. Beginning with the 23rd issue in 1883 it included the supplement Lystok hospodars’kyi. The editor until 1885 was Appolon Nychai; he was succeeded by A. Hlodzynsky (1886) and Vasyl Nahirny (1886–7). P. Bazhansky, L. Vitoshynsky, I. Horodysky, K. Kuzyk, Ivan Naumovych, and V. Ruzhytsky were among the main contributors.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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