Halycho-ruskii vistnyk

Halycho-ruskii vistnyk («Галичо-рускій вістник»; Galician-Ruthenian Herald). The official government newspaper for Ukrainians in the Austrian Empire. It appeared three times a week in Lviv from 2 July 1849 until February 1850. In total, 94 issues were published. It was edited by Mykola Ustyianovych with the assistance of Ivan Holovatsky, M. Kossak, and B. Didytsky. In addition to official decrees and edicts, the newspaper published articles on national and international politics, and on Ukrainian affairs, such as problems of the Ukrainian language and orthography (Yosyp Lozynsky and Yosyp Levytsky) and education. Some literary works, particularly by Ustyianovych, were also published, as were biographies, obituaries, and reports from the homeland. In February 1850 its head office was moved to Vienna, and the name of the newpaper was changed to Vistnyk (Vienna).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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