Dzerovych, Yuliian
Dzerovych, Yuliian [Дзерович, Юліян; Dzerovyč, Julijan], b 3 January 1871 in Smilno, Brody county, Galicia, d 1 April 1943 in Vienna. Pedagogue, theologian, church and cultural leader, Greek Catholic priest. Beginning in 1918, he was an associate professor and then a professor at the Greek Catholic Theological Seminary and Greek Catholic Theological Academy in Lviv. He wrote books and articles on education, pedagogy, and religion: Katekhytyka (Catechization, (1930), Pedahohika (Pedagogy, 1938). He held various positions, including the presidency of many Galician societies, such as the Ridna Shkola society, the Prosvita society, the Uchytelska Hromada society, and the Society of Saint Paul the Apostle.
[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]