Don River

Image - Don River

Don River. (Map: Don River.) The ancient Greek name of the river was the Tanais River; its Ukrainian name is Din. The fourth-largest river in Europe, the Don flows into the Sea of Azov. Its length is 1,970 km, and its basin covers an area of 442,000 sq km. The Don flows through Ukrainian ethnic territory for only 250 km, between Lisky and Kazan Station. This is a part of the Voronezh region and the extreme southeastern corner of the lands settled by Ukrainians. The Don's largest tributary is the Donets River, which flows through Ukraine for almost its entire length. The left-bank tributaries of the lower Don are the Sal River and the Manych River, which flow through the partly Ukrainian-settled Don region and eastern Subcaucasia. In general, about 100,000 sq km of the Don Basin are populated by Ukrainians.

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