Domanytsky, Vasyl

Domanytsky, Vasyl [Доманицький, Василь; Domanyc'kyj, Vasyl'], b 19 March 1877 in Kolodyste, Zvenyhorodka county, Kyiv gubernia, d 11 September 1910 in Arcachon, France. Historian, literary scholar, publicist, popularizer, public and political figure; brother of Viktor Domanytsky. He worked for various journals: Kievskaia starina (as editor's secretary for many years), Literaturno-naukovyi vistnyk, Zapysky Naukovoho tovarystva im. Shevchenka. He was one of the founders and the acting editor of Vik publishing house. He was a member of the Society of Ukrainian Progressives. Having studied under Volodymyr Antonovych, Domanytsky conducted archeological expeditions in the Zvenyhorodka region. He wrote several books: Kozachchyna na perelomi 16-17 st. (Cossackdom at the Turn of the 16th Century), Pisnia pro Nechaia (The Song about Nechai), Baliada pro bondarivnu (The Ballad about the Cooper's Daughter), Pioner ukraïns'koï etnohrafiï Z. Dolenga-Khodakovs'kyi (The Pioneer of Ukrainian Ethnography Z. Dołęga-Chodakowski), Krytychnyi rozhliad nad tekstom ‘Kobzaria’ (A Critical Examination of the Text of Kobzar, 1907), Avtorstvo M. Vovchka (The Authorship of M. Vovchok, 1908; a refutation of Panteleimon Kulish's rejection of Marko Vovchok's authorship of Narodni opovidannia [Folk Stories]). Domanytsky was the editor of the first complete edition of Taras Shevchenko's Kobzar (1907). He edited Ridna sprava – Dums’ki visti, the paper of the Ukrainian faction in the Second Russian State Duma. His numerous articles on political and community topics appeared in Hromads’ka dumka, Rada (Kyiv), the monthly Nova hromada, and other periodicals. He wrote some popular brochures about Galicia and Bukovyna and edited the popular Istoriia Ukraïny (History of Ukraine) by Mykola Arkas. He was one of the first organizers of a consumers' co-operative in the Kyiv region and author of popular pamphlets on questions connected with the co-operatives, among them Tovarys'ki kramnytsi (Society Stores, 1904), Pro sil's'ku kooperatsiiu (On Village Co-operatives, 1904), and Iak khaziainuiut' seliany v chuzhykh kraiakh (How Peasants Prosper in Other Countries, 1908). For his public work he was exiled to the far north. Eventually, his sentence was changed to three-year's exile outside the country.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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