Dobriansky-Demkovych, Mykhailo

Dobriansky-Demkovych, Mykhailo [Добрянський-Демкович, Михайло; Dobrjans'kyj-Demkovyč, Myxajlo], b 7 November 1905 in Lahodiv, Peremyshliany county, Galicia, d 4 February 2003 in London. Journalist, civic leader. In 1933–9 Dobriansky-Demkovych served as a co-editor of the monthly Dzvony and the weekly Meta and Khrystos nasha syla. He was a member of the presidium of the Ukrainian Central Committee in Cracow and an executive director of the Ukrainian Regional Committee. In 1945 he emigrated to Germany and then Great Britain. In Munich he edited the journal Problemy (1947–8) and in London the weekly Ukraïns’ka dumka (London) (1949–50). In 1956–72 he served as director of the Ukrainian broadcast of Radio Liberty in Munich. From 1972 he was a regular contributor to Nash holos (United States) and Ukraïns’ki visti. He represented the Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance in the Ukrainian National Council. Dobriansky-Demkovych is the author of Ukraïns'ko-pol's'ki stosunky v XIX storichchi (Ukrainian-Polish Relations in the 19th Century, 1969), Potots'kyi i Bobzhyns'kyi: Tsisars'ki namisnyky Halychyny, 1903–1913 ([Andrzej] Potocki and [Michal] Bobrzyński: The Imperial Vicegerents of Galicia, 1903–1913, 1987), and Ukraïna i Rosiia: Istorychni narysy na temu rosiis'koho imperiializmu (Ukraine and Russia: Historical Essays on Russian Imperialism, 1989).

Kravets', Danylo. Mykhailo Dobriansky-Demkovych: Publitsyst, zhurnalist, istoryk (Lviv 2023)

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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