Congress of Ruthenian Scholars

Congress of Ruthenian Scholars (Собор учених руских і любителей народного просвещения; Sobor uchenykh ruskykh i liubytelei narodnoho prosvishcheniia). The first educational conference in Galicia, convened by the Supreme Ruthenian Council through the initiative of Mykola Ustyianovych and Ivan Borysykevych. The congress took place in Lviv on 19–26 October 1848 with 99 participants conducting discussions in nine sections. They worked out a broad program for organizing Ukrainian scholarly research and public education (including the publication of general-education school handbooks), agreed to set up the Society for Public Education, and discussed the question of the Ukrainian literary language. The congress had no immediate practical effects.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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