Buriachok, Ivan

Buriachok, Ivan [Бурячок, Іван; Burjačok], b 6 October 1877 in the village of Lozuvata, near Vinnytsia, Podilia gubernia, d 24 October 1936 in Kyiv. Stage designer and graphic artist. Buriachok graduated from the Kyiv Drawing School and the Cracow Academy of Fine Arts (in 1907). From 1908 to 1918, while working with Sadovsky's Theater in Kyiv, he designed the sets for Mykola Lysenko’s operas Utoplena (The Drowned One, 1913) and Rizdviana nich (Christmas Night, 1915) and for stagings of plays by Ivan Karpenko-Karyi (Sava Chalyi, 1913), Lesia Ukrainka (Kaminnyi hospodar [The Stone Host, 1914]), Spyrydon Cherkasenko (Pro shcho tyrsa shelestila [What the Steppe Grass Whispered], Kazka staroho mlyna [Tale of the Old Mill], Zemlia [Earth]), and others. Buriachok also worked as a caricaturist (under the pseudonym P. Burula) and as a book and newspaper illustrator.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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