Brotherhood of Former Soldiers of the First Ukrainian Division of the Ukrainian National Army

Brotherhood of Former Soldiers of the First Ukrainian Division of the Ukrainian National Army (Bratstvo kolyshnikh voiakiv Pershoi ukrainskoi dyvizii Ukrainskoi natsionalnoi armii). An association of former members of the Division Galizien, founded in Neu Ulm, West Germany, in 1949. Its head office was located first in Munich, then transferred to New York at the end of the 1950s, and finally to Toronto in the mid-1960s. The brotherhood has national organizations and local branches in Germany, Canada, the United States, Argentina, and Australia. In Great Britain former members of the division co-operate with the brotherhood but have founded a separate organization known as the Ukrainian Former Combatants in Great Britain. The brotherhood's membership numbered some 1,000 in 1950, 1,400 in 1980. It has been headed by Rev M. Levenets (1949–55), Liubomyr Ortynsky (1955–61), M. Bihus (1961–2), Ivan Skira (1963–4), Roman Drazhniowsky (1973–9), M. Maletsky (1964–73 and 1979–2001), and A. Komorovsky (2001–). The brotherhood published a magazine, Visti Bratsva kolyshnikh voiakiv I Ukraïns’koï dyviziï UNA, in Munich in 1950–74 (140 issues). It co-publishes a bimonthly—Visti kombatanta (115 issues by 1981)—with the United Ukrainian War Veterans in America. In 2001 the brotherhood published a Iuvileinyi al’manakh (Jubilee Almanac), edited by R. Kolisnyk and L. Babii, to commemorate its 50th anniversary.

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