
Image - Bohosloviia (2002).

Bohosloviia (Theology). A scholarly theological quarterly published by the Ukrainian Theological Scholarly Society in Lviv in 1923–39 (one issue in 1943) and edited by Yosyf Slipy. The most prominent specialists in theology and the history of the Ukrainian Catholic church were associated with this journal: Y. Slipy, Tyt Teodosii Halushchynsky, Havryil Kostelnyk, Andrii Ishchak, Vasyl Laba, Mykola Chubaty, Yosafat Skruten, and others. In 1962 Bohosloviia was revived by Archbishop Major Y. Slipy in Rome as the journal of the Ukrainian Theological Scholarly Society. It was edited by Rev. Ivan Khoma, and its contributors were mostly professors of the Ukrainian Catholic University (Rome): Myroslav Marusyn, Ivan Muzychka, Ivan Hrynokh, Vasyl Lev, Wasyl Lencyk, Oleksa Horbach, and others. The journal was more literary-historical in character than before.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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