Bodnarovych, Osyp
Bodnarovych, Osyp [Боднарович, Осип; Bodnarovyč], 2 May 1895 in Zolotnyky, Terebovlia county, Galicia, d 27 June 1944 in Lviv. Galician journalist, literary critic. In the 1920s Bodnarovych was a leading student activist. He was president of the Union of Ukrainian Nationalist Youth and editor of its monthly journal Smoloskypy (1927–8). Subsequently he worked for the Lviv daily newspaper Novyi chas, edited the literary semimonthly Nazustrich (1934–9) and the large-circulation newspaper Iak na doloni, and wrote for the newspaper Dilo. Beginning in 1941 he edited the daily newspaper L’vivs’ki visti.
[This article was updated in 2005.]