Berenshtam, Viliam

Image - Members of the Hromada of Kyiv (late 1860s): T. Rylsky, V. Berenshtam, V. Antonovych, T. Panchenko, B. Poznansky.

Berenshtam, Viliam [Беренштам, Вільям; Berenštam, Vil'jam], b 21 November 1839 in Kyiv, d 23 November 1904 in Kyiv. Pedagogue and community figure. After completing his studies in history and philology at Kyiv University, Berenshtam taught in gymnasiums in Kamianets-Podilskyi (1865–8), Kyiv (1868–79), Saint Petersburg (1880–98). He was among the organizers of the Sunday schools and took part in the founding of the Southwestern Branch of the Imperial Russian Geographic Society. He was a member of the Hromada of Kyiv and a contributor to Kievskii telegraf and Kievskaia starina, in which he published a work on Taras Shevchenko and memoirs of Mykola Kostomarov.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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