Bartoshevsky, Ivan

Bartoshevsky, Ivan [Бартошевський, Іван; Bartoševs'kyj], b 18 January 1852 in Lviv, d 13 December 1920 in Lviv. Theologian, ecclesiastical writer, preacher, professor at Lviv University from 1885, and honorary canon of the Greek Catholic clerical chapter. His publications include Propovidi strasni i voskresni (Sermons for Holy Week and Easter, 1891), Propovidi nedil'ni (Sunday Sermons, 1892–7), Komentar do Sviatoho Pys'ma (Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, 1900–8), Teolohiia pastyrs'ka (Pastoral Theology, 1902), manuals, and articles on theology in religious journals.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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