Association for the Advancement of Ukrainian Studies

Association for the Advancement of Ukrainian Studies (Arbeits- und Förderungsgemeinschaft der ukrainischen Wissenschaften). Founded in 1962 in Munich, the association represented three Ukrainian learned societies—the Ukrainian Free University, the Shevchenko Scientific Society, and the Ukrainian Technical and Husbandry Institute; it co-ordinated their activities and fostered contacts with German learned societies. Its presidents included Rostyslav Yendyk, D. Pelensky, and H. Vaskovych. The executive was assisted by the Learned Council, which consisted of Ukrainian and German scholars and was headed by Oleksander Kulchytsky and after 1978 by Volodymyr Yaniv. The board of trustees, which includeed representatives of the German federal government and the Bavarian government, had the task of soliciting funds for the association. R. Lüder, J. Maurer, V. Yaniv, and H. Singbartl have presided over the Curatorium, and Atanas Figol was its financial officer. The association’s annual publication, Mitteilungen, contained, besides scholarly articles in Ukrainian studies, Slavic studies, Eastern studies, and Sovietology, materials on the history of the societies represented by the association. Yendyk and H. Vaskovych have served as editors of the journal.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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