Arkhivy Ukraïny

Arkhivy Ukraïny («Архіви України»; Archives of Ukraine). A major Ukrainian journal dealing with archives and archival matters, published as a quarterly under the auspices of the State Archival Service of Ukraine. The publication began in 1947 as Naukovo-informatsiinyi biuleten' Arkhivnoho upravlinnia MVS URSR. Among its precursors were several archival periodicals, including Arkhivna sprava (1925–30), Radians'kyi arkhiv (1931), Arkhiv Radians'koї Ukraїny (1932–33), Arkhivoznavchyi naukovo-informatsiinyi zbirnyk (1937) and Arkhivoznavchyi zbirnyk (1938). Initially it was a bulletin dealing with methodological questions which was distributed mainly to the employees of various archives in the Ukrainian SSR. It came out once in 1947, twice a year 1948–50, three times annually in 1951–5, and quarterly after 1956. In 1949–57 it was published in Russian. From 1950 the bulletin began to expand the scope of articles it carried, and in 1960 it became a subscription-based publication. Between 1958 and 1965 it was published under the name Naukovo-informatsiinyi biuleten' Arkhivnoho upravlinnia URSR. In 1966 it adopted its current name, Archivy Ukraïny. During the 1960s the bulletin actively tried to attract new readers and published a greater variety of articles dealing with archival materials and related scholarship in Ukraine. Its circulation grew from 250–300 in 1947–57 to 1,200 in 1958–9, to 6,300 in 1960, 9,000 in 1965, and then a high of 21,500 in 1970. It then gradually fell to 8,370 in 1988.

The bulletin’s traditional rubrics included ‘Statti’ [Articles], ‘Krytyka i bibliohrafiia’ [Criticism and Bibliography], and ‘Khronika’ [Chronicle]. In the 1960s and 1980s several new rubrics were added, including ‘Arkhivna sprava za rubezhem’ [Archival Work Abroad], ‘Mizhnarodni zv’iazky arkhivnykh ustanov’ [International Relations of Archival Organizations], and ‘Po storinkakh zarubizhnykh arkhivoznavchykh zhurnaliv’ [On the Pages of Foreign Archival Journals]. Since 1993 the journal has been published jointly by the Main Archival Administration of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (today State Archival Service of Ukraine) and the Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 2000 the journal launched its electronic version, which contains a full archive of its issues (339 vols, 1947–), as well as systematic guides to its content since 1947.

The journal’s main rubrics today include ‘Podiia’ [Events], ‘Statti ta povidomlenna’ [Articles and Reports], ‘Z istorii arkhiviv ta arkhivnykh zibran'’ [From the History of Archives and Archival Collections], ‘Ohliady dzherel ta dokumental'ni narysy’ [Reviews of Sources and Documentary Sketches], ‘Publikatsiia arkhivnykh dokumentiv’ [Publications of Archival Documents], ‘Informatsiia ta retsenziї’ [Information and Reviews], ‘Arkhivna sprava za kordonom’ [Archival Work Abroad], ‘Osobystosti’ [Personalities], ‘Iuvileї’ [Anniversaries], and ‘Khronika’ [Chronicle].

The journal publishes documents, historical articles, bibliographies, and materials about archeography, historical sources, and archives. Bibliographic guides to its contents were published in 1988 (for the years 1971–87), 1997 (for 1988–95, with annotation), and 1999 (for 1947–70).

The journal’s editors have been Pavlo I. Pavliuk (1947–54), Semen Pilkevych (1955–57), Ivan Butych (1958–70), Oleksandr Mitiukov (1970–88), Borys Ivanenko (1989–96), Nina Kystruska (1996–98), Ruslan Pyrih (1998–2002), Hennadii Boriak (2002–6), Olha Hinzburg (2006–8, 2012–14), Oleksandr Udod (2012–14), Iryna Matiiash (2009–11), Tetiana Baranova (2014–19), and Maryna Paliienko (2020–).

The journal’s official website is

Serhiy Bilenky

[This article was updated in 2024.]

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