All-Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

All-Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Всеукраїнська академія сільсько-господарських наук; Vseukrainska akademiia silsko-hospodarskykh nauk). Official Soviet Ukrainian institution established in 1926. The staff of the academy included specialists from the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine, which was abolished in 1928. In 1934 the academy comprised 15 scientific research institutes (including institutes of zootechny, veterinary medicine, agricultural chemistry, melioration, mechanization of agriculture, meteorology, forestry, intensive cultivation), 10 research stations, 200 research locations, and 3 land reserves. The president of the academy was Oleksii Sokolovsky. After the founding of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Moscow in 1929, the All-Ukrainian academy was absorbed by the former in the mid-1930s.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

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