Vistnyk (Vienna)

Vistnyk (Vienna) («Вістник»; Herald). An official government newspaper for Ukrainians in the Austrian Empire, published in Vienna from February 1850 to 1866 as the continuation of Halycho-ruskii vistnyk. Frequent subtitle changes included Povremenne pis’mo ... rusynov austriiskoi derzhavy (1850–1), Dlia rusynov austriiskoi derzhavy (1852), Chasopys’ politicheskaia dlia rusynov austriiskoi derzhavy (1857), and Chasopys’ uriadova ... dlia rusynov austriiskoi derzhavy (1865). It contained decrees and laws passed by parliament and articles on political, religious, and educational issues. The paper appeared three times a week (1850–1, 1861–2), semiweekly (1852–60, 1863–5), and weekly (1866). It was edited by Ivan Holovatsky (1850–2) and, later, by Yu. Vyslobotsky.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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