Vira i kul’tura

Vira i kul’tura («Віра і культура»; Faith and Culture). A journal of religious thought published in 1953–67 in Winnipeg by the Ukrainian Theological Society. The publication was the successor to Nasha kul’tura (1947–51) and Slovo istyny (1951–3). Edited by Metropolitan Ilarion (Ivan Ohiienko), it dealt with theological, religious, and historical topics related to the Ukrainian Orthodox church. It also contained chronicles of religious life in Ukraine and the West; book reviews; and essays on literature, philosophy, art and architecture, and ethnography. After Ilarion’s death in 1972 the theological society was revived and renamed in his honor as Metropolitan Ilarion Theological Society. It has published a number of Vira i kul’tura annuals which deal with many of the same topics as its namesake. Its editors after 1972 included Yurii Mulyk-Lutsyk and Stepan Yarmus.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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