Ukrainian Historical Association

Ukrainian Historical Association (Українське історичне товариство; Ukrainske istorychne tovarystvo, or УІТ; UIT). A society of Ukrainian historians in North America and Europe founded in 1965 with an initial membership of 45. Since its inception it published the quarterly Ukraïns’kyi istoryk and the book series Istorychni monohrafiï (Historical Monographs), Istorychni studiï (Historical Studies), Memuarystyka (Memoirs), Ukraïns'ki vcheni (Ukrainian Scholars), Hrushevs'kiiana, and Ukraïns'ko-zhydivs'ki vzaiemyny (Ukrainian-Jewish Relations). By 1990 the association had published approximately 70 Ukrainian and English titles. It was particularly interested in source material in Ukrainian history deposited in Western archives and libraries. The UIT is a member of the American Historical Association and a participant in various American and Canadian learned conferences. It collaborates with the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the US and the Shevchenko Scientific Society. The presidents of UIT have been Oleksander Ohloblyn (1965–81) and Lubomyr Wynar (after 1981).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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