Theological Academy of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church

Theological Academy of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church [Богословська академія Української Автокефальної Православної Церкви; Bohoslovska akademiia Ukrainskoi Avtokefalnoi Pravoslavnoi Tserkvy]. A theological academy founded in 1946 in Munich by the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox church to provide Orthodox priests and hierarchs in the diaspora with higher education, and to develop Ukrainian theological studies and church historiography. In addition to its faculty of theology, until 1947 it included a pedagogical faculty (called the Theological-Pedagogical Academy) that was to train teachers and scholars. Archbishop Mykhail Khoroshy (1946–9) and Bishop Volodymyr Malets (from 1949) were the trustees of the academy, and Panteleimon Kovaliv (1946–9) and Hryhorii Vashchenko (1950–2) served as rectors. The professors included P. Kalynovych (dean of the theology faculty), Viktor Petrov, Petro Kurinny, Oleksander Ohloblyn, Nataliia Polonska-Vasylenko, Volodymyr Derzhavyn, Yakiv Moralevych, M. Markevych, Ivan Vlasovsky, and P. Dubytsky. The academy published a bulletin (6 issues, 1946–9) edited by V. Ivashchuk, and its students' association published its own organ, Bohoslov (Theologian), as well as texts of lectures read at the school. The academy offered regular courses until late 1950, by which time most Ukrainian refugees had settled in North America. It then offered correspondence courses until it closed in 1952.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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