Semafor u maibutnie

Image - Mykhailo Semenko Poemomaliarstvo (published in Semafor u maibutnie).

Semafor u maibutnie [«Семафор у майбутнє»] (Semaphore into the Future). A futurist literary almanac published in Kyiv by the Association of Panfuturists in May 1922. It contained Mykhailo Semenko's Panfuturist manifesto and articles and literary works by Semenko, Geo Shkurupii, Yu. Shpol (Mykhailo Yalovy), Oleksa Slisarenko, Myroslav Irchan, Mykola Tereshchenko, Marko Tereshchenko, and Vasyl Desniak.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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