Nauka, newspaper

Nauka, newspaper (Learning). A religious and educational Catholic newspaper published semimonthly (1897–1903), weekly (1904–12), monthly (1912–14), and again weekly (1918–22) in Uzhhorod. The organ of the Society of Saint Basil the Great to 1902 (subsequently published by the Uniia publishing company) and the only populist periodical in Transcarpathia before the First World War, it was printed in the Transcarpathian dialect using etymological spelling. Its editors were the Greek Catholic priests and community figures Yu. Chuchka, Vasyl Hadzhega, Petro Gebei, Yevmenii Sabov, Avhustyn Voloshyn (1903–14, 1918–22), and Viktor Zheltvai. Much local folklore appeared in Nauka. The paper also published a bimonthly supplement of Sunday sermons, Slovo Bozhe (1905–6); a monthly illustrated supplement for the peasantry, Selo (1911–12); and a series of monthly booklets containing didactic readings. Nauka appeared under the titles Tserkov, Narod, and Eparkhiia in 1918 and as Rus’ka kraina in 1919. In 1922 it was succeeded by the newspaper Svoboda (Uzhhorod).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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