Antonovych, Marko

Antonovych, Marko [Антонович, Марко; Antonovyč], b 7 July 1916 in Kyiv, d 28 January 2005. Student organizer (Zarevo Ukrainian Student Association), civic and political activist from the ranks of the OUN (Melnyk faction), historian, and publicist; son of Dmytro Antonovych and Kateryna Antonovych,. He is the author of articles on the cultural renaissance of the 19th century in Ukraine, as well as Narys istoriï Tsentral'noho soiuzu ukraïns'koho studentstva, 1921–45 (An Outline of the History of the Central Union of Ukrainian Students, 1921–45, 1976). Antonovych edited the journal Rozbudova derzhavy (1949–54) and from 1964 coedited the scholarly journal Ukraïns'kyi istoryk. Between 1993 and 1997 he was president of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the United States.

[This article was updated in 2015.]

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