Analecta Ordinis S. Basilii Magni/Zapysky ChSVV

Analecta Ordinis S. Basilii Magni/Zapysky ChSVV (Transactions of the Order of Saint Basil the Great). Irregular scholarly publication of the Basilian monastic order, first published in Zhovkva and Lviv (1924-39), then in Rome (as a second series, commencing in 1949). The first editor of Analecta was Rev Yosafat Skruten. Six volumes were published by 1939. The second series of Analecta, under the editorship of Rev Atanasii Velyky, consisted of 103 volumes by 1979 and was divided into three sections: (1) works—monographs (40 vols); (2) transactions of the Order of Saint Basil the Great—articles, reviews, bibliographies, and other materials (10 vols); (3) documents—a systematic publication of materials from the Vatican Archives (53 vols) concerning the history of Ukraine, including two large volumes entitled Documenta Pontificum Romanorum historiam Ucrainae illustrantia 1075–1953 (1953–4).

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