a { text-decoration: none !important; text-align: right; } Uman Regional Studies Museum, Уманський краєзнавчий музей; Umanskyi kraieznavchyi muzei, Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Інтернетова Енциклопедія України (ІЕУ), Ukraine, Ukraina, Україна"> Uman Regional Studies Museum

Uman Regional Studies Museum

Image - Uman Regional Studies Museum (the medieval and Cossack history exhibit). Image - Uman Regional Studies Museum. Image - Uman Regional Studies Museum (the Bronze Age exhibit).
Image - Uman Regional Studies Museum (the 19th-century exhibit).

Uman Regional Studies Museum (Уманський краєзнавчий музей; Umanskyi kraieznavchyi muzei). A museum founded in 1917 in Uman under the direction of Petro Kurinny. Large archeological and ethnographic collections, a library, a collection of early books, and a picture gallery were created, including artworks and artifacts confiscated from local nobles. From 1922 to the mid-1930s the museum was called the Socio-Historical Museum of Uman Okruha. Its large collection of autographs was transferred to Kyiv in the mid-1930s. The museum has over 50,000 exhibit items, including objects of the prehistoric Trypillia culture, Bilohrudivka culture, and Cherniakhiv culture and of the Scythians, a collection of 17th-century ceramic tiles (see Ceramics), and materials pertaining to the Cossacks of the Uman regiment. The museum has four branches: the art gallery, the Uman Region Museum of Culture and Folkways, the Museum of Writers and Artists of the Uman Region, and the Nadiia Surovtsova Memorial Museum.

[This article was updated in 2011.]

Image - Uman Regional Studies Museum (ethnographic exhibit). Image - Uman: Nadiia Surovtsova Memorial Museum. Image - A reconstruction of the Uman fortress in the Uman Regional Studies Museum.

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