a { text-decoration: none !important; text-align: right; } Ukraïns’ke narodne slovo, «Українське народне слово»; Ukrainian National Word, Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Інтернетова Енциклопедія України (ІЕУ), Ukraine, Ukraina, Україна"> Ukraïns’ke narodne slovo

Ukraïns’ke narodne slovo

Image - An issue of Ukrainske narodne slovo (Chicago, 1983).

Ukraïns’ke narodne slovo («Українське народне слово»; Ukrainian National Word). A newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Aid Association of America (UNAA). Founded in March 1914 as Narodne slovo, it was published weekly in McKees Rocks and, from 1921, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was renamed in 1959, and in 1969 it became a semimonthly (22–26 issues per year). After 1981 it was published as a quarterly in Chicago. In the interwar period the paper was closely aligned with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA. It sought to raise the level of national consciousness of its readers and to instill the values of American patriotism. From the 1950s it and the UNAA were controlled by supporters of the OUN (Bandera faction). The chief editors included H. Kysil (1914), Y. Kosovy (1914–17), D. Ivankiv (1917), M. Khavriuk (1917–20), M. Khandoha (1920–48), Volodymyr Kedrovsky (1948–50), R. Kryshtalsky (1950–2), Mykola Sydor-Chartoryisky (1952), P. Kravchuk (1952–9), V. Mazur (1959–61, 1963–5, 1974–), Ivan Vovchuk (1961–3), P. Marenets (1965–74), and Leonid Poltava.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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