Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (Союз українських студентів Канади; Soiuz ukrainskykh studentiv Kanady, or СУСК; SUSK). A co-ordinating national organization of Canadian postsecondary students of Ukrainian descent. SUSK was founded at the first Congress of Ukrainian Canadian Students in Winnipeg (26–27 December 1953), under the auspices of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee, of which it became a member organization. SUSK played an important role in the late 1960s and the 1970s in promoting multiculturalism and in defending political prisoners in Ukraine. In 1968 SUSK established a newspaper called Student. In 1975–6 SUSK had member clubs at 18 Canadian universities, to which some 1,250 students belonged: in 1989 the organization had member clubs at 15 universities, involving almost 1,000 students.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine