Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Українська академія сільськогосподарських наук; Ukrainska akademiia silskohospodarskykh nauk, or УАСГН; UASHN). An institution of higher learning specializing in agriculture, established in Kyiv in 1956. It was the third agricultural center of a national stature, succeeding the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine (1918–28) and the All-Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1926 to mid-1930s), neither of which was mentioned in Soviet sources. The UASHN directed and co-ordinated agricultural research in various teaching and scientific research institutes and on experimental farms. It was divided into departments for crop growing, farm mechanization and electrification, animal husbandry, forestry, hydrotechnology and melioration, and economics and farm management. It oversaw 21 scientific research institutes with their experimental farms and stations, 25 oblast research stations, and a central research library. It also included a teaching division that became the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy. The staff of the UASHN consisted of 22 full members and 22 corresponding members. It published the bimonthly Dopovidi UASHN (from 1958) and the monthly Visnyk sil's'kohospodars'koï nauky (from 1957) and had its own publishing house. In 1962 the system of agricultural research was reorganized; scientific research institutes in Ukraine were placed directly under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ukrainian SSR, and the UASHN was dissolved.
[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]