Tereshchenko, Oleksander or Aleksandr [Терещенко, Олександер; Tereščenko], b 1806 in Zinkiv, Poltava gubernia, d 5 March 1865 in Zinkiv, Poltava gubernia. Ethnographer and archeologist. He was an associate of the Russian Imperial Archeological Commission and a collector of ethnographic materials. His chief works, Byt russkogo naroda (The Folkways of the Russian People, 1848) and Ocherki Novorossiiskogo kraia (Sketches of New Russia, 1854), contain much information about Ukrainians. He wrote one of the first biographies of Ivan Kotliarevsky, published in Osnova (Saint Petersburg), 2 (1861). His study of the kurhans and stone baby in Katerynoslav gubernia and Kherson gubernia was published posthumously by the Society of History and Antiquity Lovers.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine