Svitlo («Світло»; Light). A popular religious periodical published semimonthly (1938–55) and then monthly by the Basilian monastic order in Canada. It appeared in Mundare, Alberta, to 1949 and after that was published in Toronto. Its editors have been Revs Marko Romanovych (1938–43), Hryhorii Andrii Trukh (1943–6), Irynei Nazarko (1946–8), V. Dribnenky (1948–56), Meletii Solovii (1957–64), O. Kupranets (1964–88), and N. Svirsky (after 1988). The magazine published church news and articles on religious, cultural, and historical topics. From 1940 it also published an annual calendar (kalendar).
[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]