Myklashevsky, Oleksander [Миклашевський, Олександер; Myklaševs'kyj], b 8 December 1864 in Bilyi Kolodiaz, Vovchansk county, Kharkiv gubernia, d 6 September 1911 in Tartu (now Estonia). Economist; brother of Ivan Myklashevsky. After completing his master’s dissertation on the classical theory of money (published 1895) at Moscow University, he taught political economy there and at Tartu University. He was one of the leading specialists in monetary theory in the Russian Empire. Besides articles he wrote Rabochyi vopros i sotsial'noe zakonodatel'stvo v Germanii (The Labor Question and Social Legislation in Germany, 1896) and Denezhnyi vopros v literature i v iavleniiakh deistvitel'noi zhizni (The Monetary Question in Literature and in the Phenomena of Real Life, 1896).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine