Levytsky, Volodymyr O. [Левицький, Володимир; Levyc'kyj], b 31 December 1872 in Ternopil, Galicia, d 13 August 1956 in Lviv. Mathematician and physicist; full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh) from 1899. Levytsky graduated from Lviv University (PH D, 1901) and then taught mathematics and physics in gymnasiums in Lviv and Ternopil as well as at the Lviv (Underground) Ukrainian University. From 1940 to 1956 (with interruptions due to war) he taught at the Lviv Pedagogical Institute. For many years he headed the mathematical–natural sciences–medical section of the NTSh in Lviv and edited its publications, including Zbirnyk Matematychno-pryrodopysno-likars’koï sektsiï NTSh; he twice served as NTSh president (1931–5). He wrote numerous scientific papers, mostly devoted to the study of functions of complex variables as well as problems in theoretical physics. He is also known for his work in mathematical, physical, and chemical terminology.
[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]