Kul'tura (Lviv) («Культура»; Culture). A literary and political monthly of a Marxist profile published from 1926 to 1931 in Lviv. It was preceded by Nova kul'tura (1923–6). From 1928 Kul'tura defended Shumskyism and Khvylovism (see Oleksander Shumsky and Mykola Khvylovy) and criticized Stalinist nationality policy in Ukraine. Its editor in chief was Stepan Rudyk and the coeditors were Vasyl Bobynsky, Osyp Vasylkiv, Myroslav Irchan, N. Lazarkevych (see Roman Turiansky), Volodymyr Levynsky, Mykola M. Tarnovsky, and Mykhailo Vozniak.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine