Kononenko, Musii (Кононенко, Мусій; pseudonym: Shkolychenko), b 21 August 1864 in Turkivka, Pryluky county, Poltava gubernia, d 14 June 1922 in Novi Sanzhary, Poltava gubernia. Poet, writer, and civic activist; member of the Brotherhood of Taras and General Ukrainian Non-Party Democratic Organization. He contributed populist verses to Western Ukrainian periodicals, beginning in 1883 with the poem ‘Neshchaslyve kokhannia’ (Unhappy Love). His poetry collections include Lira (Lyre, 1885), Struna (String, 1908), and Khvyli (Waves, 3 vols, 1917–18). He also wrote several short stories.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine