Durdukivsky, Volodymyr [Дурдуківський, Володимир; Durdukivs'kyj], b 17 September 1874 in Pedynivtsi, Zvenyhorodka county, Kyiv gubernia, d 16 January 1938 in Kyiv. Pedagogue. During the period of the Ukrainian National Republic, Durdukivsky was the director of the Shevchenko First Ukrainian Gymnasium in Kyiv. He was one of the founders of the All-Ukrainian Teachers' Association and for some time edited its organ Vil’na ukraïns’ka shkola. During the Soviet period he was the director of the First Labor School. He headed the Scientific-Pedagogical Commission of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (VUAN) until the commission was dissolved in 1930. He was one of the founders of the Vik publishing house. His articles on pedagogy appeared in such Kyiv journals as Svitlo (Kyiv) (1910–14) and Vil’na ukraïns’ka shkola (1917–20), and in Pratsi Naukovo-pedahohichnoï komisiï pry VUAN. In 1930 he was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment at the show trial of the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine but was soon released. He was arrested again during the Yezhov terror in 1937 and subsequently executed.
[This article was updated in 2021.]