Central State Historical Archive in Kyiv (Центральний державний історичний архів України або ЦДІАУ; Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi istorychnyi arkhiv Ukrainy, m. Kyiv, or TsDIAK). The main repository for general (ie, excluding western Ukrainian) prerevolutionary Ukrainian records of national significance, established in Kyiv in 1941 and functioning under the jurisdiction of the State Archival Service of Ukraine. Founded as the Central State Historical Archive of the Ukrainian SSR with later branches in Kharkiv (in 1944; abolished in 1970) and in Lviv (in 1946; since 1958 functioning independently as the Central State Historical Archive in Lviv), the Kyiv archive preserves documentary materials from the 16th century to 1917. It consolidated prerevolutionary records held earlier by the Kyiv Central Archive of Old Documents (established in 1852), the Kyiv Oblast Historical Archive, and the Central Archive of the October Revolution in Kharkiv. In 1971 it moved from a location adjacent to the Saint Sophia Cathedral to its present site and absorbed the collections of it former Kharkiv branch.

The TsDIAK has enormous holdings, containing more than1,600 fonds with over 1,250,000 units. It has by far the most extensive collection of pre-19th century documents relating to both Left-Bank Ukraine and Right-Bank Ukraine and a range of material from as early as the 14th century. This includes extensive records related to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Cossack period, and the Hetman state. The TsDIAK is particularly strong in materials related to Ukrainian social, economic, and political life in 19th and early 20th centuries, although general gubernial records have remained in the state oblast archives found in former Ukrainian gubernia centers (ie, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Chernihiv, Poltava, Kherson, Zhytomyr, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Odesa, and Simferopol).

The archive has published such collections of documents as Ukraïna pered vyzvol’noiu viinoiu 1648–1654 rr. (Ukraine before the Liberation War of 1648–1654, 1946) and Ukraïns’kyi narod u Vitchyznianii viini 1812 roku (The Ukrainian People in the Patriotic War of 1812, 1948) and co-published Revoliutsiia 1905–1907 rr. na Ukraïni (The Revolution of 1905–1907 in Ukraine, 2 vols, 1955), Haidamats’kyi rukh na Ukraïni v XVIII st. (The Haidamaka Movement in Ukraine in the 18th Century, 1970), collections of documents on peasants' and workers' movements in Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century, and a number of reference works such as descriptions of legal books, indexes, and catalogues. In 1971 Kataloh kolektsiï dokumentiv Kyïvs’koï arkheohrafichnoï komisiï 1869–1899 (The Catalogue of the Collection of Documents of the Kyiv Archeographic Commission 1869–1899) was published by the Kyiv archive. It has also developed a series of specialized catalogues for its collections, some of which are now available online at the TsDIAK page of the Derzhkomarkhiv Web site (http://www.archives.gov.ua).

Apanovych, O. et al (comps); Bondarevskii, A. et al (eds). Tsental’nyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv USSR v Kieve: Putevoditel’ (Kyiv 1958)
Grimstead, P. Archives and Repositories in the USSR: Ukraine and Moldavia (Princeton, NJ 1988)
Altukhova, O. et al (comps); Onyshchenko, O. et al (eds). Arkhivni ustanovy Ukraïny (Kyiv 2000)

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]

Encyclopedia of Ukraine