Bibliographic journals. Periodical publications devoted to the history, theory, and practice of bibliography, the registration of current book and periodical production, the review and recommendation of literature, etc. In Ukraine bibliographic journals appeared only after the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917. Early ones included Knyhar (1917–20), Holos druku (1921), Knyha (1923–4), and Nova knyha (1924–5). The National Library of Ukraine in Kyiv published Bibliotechnyi zhurnal (1925–7) and Zhurnal bibliotekoznavstva ta bibliohrafiï (1927–30). The Bibliographic Commission of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences published Ukraïns’ka bibliohrafiia (1928–30), and the Book Chamber of the Ukrainian SSR published Litopys ukraïns’koho druku (1924–30). All these bibliographic journals were terminated as ideologically harmful during the Stalinist terror of the 1930s, and journals meeting the requirements of Soviet ideology took their place. In 1935 Litopys druku URSR began publication. It was divided into separate series: Litopys knyh, a continuation of Litopys ukraïns’koho druku; Litopys zhurnal’nykh statei (from 1936); Litopys hazetnykh statei (from 1937); Litopys retsenzii (from 1936); Litopys obrazotvorchoho mystetstva (1937–8, then from 1952); Litopys muzychnoï literatury (from 1954); Ukraïns’ka RSR u vydanniakh respublik Radians’koho Soiuzu (from 1956); and the bulletin Novi knyhy (from 1958).
Outside the Ukrainian SSR, in Stanyslaviv the journal Knyzhka was published with the supplement Vseukraïns’ka bibliohrafiia (1921–3). The Bibliographic Commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv published eight volumes of Materiialy do ukraïns’koï bibliohrafiï (1909–39) and the journal Ukraïns’ka knyha (1937–9). Two bibliographic journals were published sfter the Second World War in the United States of America: Biblos in New York (1955–79) and Ukraïns’ka knyha (Philadelphia) in Philadelphia (after 1971).
[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 1 (1984).]