a { text-decoration: none !important; text-align: right; } Vobly, Kostiantyn, Воблий, Костянтин; Voblyj, Kostjantyn, Kostiantyn Vobly, Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Інтернетова Енциклопедія України (ІЕУ), Ukraine, Ukraina, Україна"> Vobly, Kostiantyn

Vobly, Kostiantyn

Image - Kostiantyn Vobly

Vobly, Kostiantyn [Воблий, Костянтин; Voblyj, Kostjantyn], b 27 May 1876 in Tsarychanka, Kobeliaky county, Poltava gubernia, d 12 September 1947 in Kyiv. Economist, statistician, and geographer; full member of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences from 1921. After completing study at the Kyiv Theological Academy (1900) he graduated from Warsaw University and worked with the Warsaw statistical committee. From 1906 he lectured at Kyiv University, where he wrote his MA thesis, Ocherki po istorii pol'skoi fabrichnoi promyshlennosti (Outlines of the History of Polish Factory Industry, 1909). His research in Berlin, Vienna, and Paris culminated in a PH D dissertation on the third professional-industrial census in Germany at Kyiv University (1911). Before the Soviet period he lectured at Kyiv University and the Kyiv Co-operative Institute (director in 1917–19). From its inception Vobly was involved with the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences: he was head of its social-economic division from 1925, president of its Society of Economists, vice-president of the academy (1928–30), chairman of the Commission for the Study of the Economy of Ukraine (1927–30), holder of the chair of commercial trade and industrial economics, chairman of the Department of Economic Geography (1939–42) at the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, and the institute's director (1942–7).

Vobly was a prolific writer who published numerous separate works on political economy, economic geography, economic theory, the agrarian question, industry, trade, and finance. His monographs include Statistika (Statistics, 1908; 6 edns), Osnovy ekonomii strakhovaniia (The Foundations of Insurance Economics, 1915; 2 edns), Nachal'nyi kurs politicheskoi ekonomii (A Beginning Course in Political Economy, 1918; 2 edns), Ekonomicheskaia geografiia Ukrainy (The Economic Geography of Ukraine, 1919; 5 edns), Narysy z istoriï rosiis'ko-ukraïns'koï tsukroburiakovoï promyslovosty (Essays in the History of the Russian-Ukrainian Sugar-Beet Industry, 3 vols, 1928–31; 2 more volumes remain unpublished), and Organizatsiia truda nauchnogo rabotnika (The Organization of the Work of the Scientific Worker, 1943).

Virnyk, Davyd; Kuhukalo, Ivan. Kostiantyn Hryhorovych Voblyi (Kyiv 1968)
Koropets'kyi, Ivan. ‘Ekonomichni pohliady Kostiantyna Vobloho pered 1917 rokom,’ Journal of Ukrainian Studies, 12, no. 2 (Winter 1987)

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]