Yatsynevych, Yakiv

Image - Yakiv Yatsynevych

Yatsynevych, Yakiv [Яциневич, Яків; Jacynevyč, Jakiv], b 27 October 1869 in Bila Tserkva, Kyiv gubernia, d 25 April 1945 in Kropotkin, Stavropol krai, RSFSR. Conductor, composer, and teacher. A student at the Kyiv Theological Academy, he took private music lessons with Mykola Lysenko. He served as accompanist and assistant conductor of Lysenko’s chorus in Kyiv (1891–1904), conductor of the Kyiv University Chorus (1899–1912), musical director of several Ukrainian theaters (1906–17), conductor of the Odesa Choral Association (1924–30), music teacher in Zaporizhia (1930–40), and folk ensemble director in Maikop (1940–5). His works include the symphony The Year 1905, the oratorio Pietà (text by Pavlo Tychyna), instrumental music for violin and piano, choral songs (to texts by Borys Hrinchenko, Lesia Ukrainka, Oleksander Oles, and others), solo art songs (to texts by Lesia Ukrainka and others), and church music.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).]

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