
Image - A panorama of Vyshhorod, Kyiv oblast. Image - Remnants of medieval fortifications in Vyshhorod, Kyiv oblast. Image - Vyshhorod: Saints Borys and Hlib Church.

Vyshhorod [Вишгород; Vyšhorod]. Map: III-11. A city (2016 pop 27,825) on the Dnipro River and a raion center in Kyiv oblast. It was first mentioned in the chronicles under the year 946, as the residence of Princess Olha. In 1019 the bodies of Saints Borys and Hlib were ceremoniously buried in the local Saint Basil's Church. During the time of Kyivan Rus’, Vyshhorod was a strategic fortress that defended the northern approach to Kyiv. It repelled Cuman attacks in 1093, 1136, and 1146. In 1240 it was destroyed by the Mongols. In the 15th and 16th centuries Vyshhorod was merely a village owned by the Mezhyhiria Transfiguration Monastery. In 1934–37 and 1947 archeologists uncovered the remains of houses and smithing, bronzing, and pottery implements. In 1968 Vyshhorod was promoted to city status. It is the site of the Kyiv Hydroelectric Station and of the first accumulation power station built in the USSR. In 1994 the Vyshhorod State Historical and Cultural Preserve was established which includes the remnants of the fortifications from the Princely era, the Vyshhorod Historical Museum, and other institutions.

[This article was updated in 2017.]

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