
Image - Terebovlia: 16th-century Saint Nicholas's Church. Image - Terebovlia: Carmelite church and monastery complex (1635). Image - Terebovlia: Carmelite church and monastery complex (1635). Image - Ruins of the Terebovlia castle, Ternopil oblast.

Terebovlia [Теребовля; Terebovlja]. Map: IV-6. A town (2011 pop 13,769) on the Hnizna River and a raion center in Ternopil oblast. It is first mentioned in the Hypatian Chronicle under the year 1097, when it was the center of a separate Terebovlia principality under Prince Vasylko Rostyslavych. Then it became part of Halych principality and the Principality of Galicia-Volhynia. The town was annexed by Poland in 1349, fortified with a new castle in 1366, and granted the rights of Magdeburg law in 1389. As a frontier town Terebovlia was subject to frequent attack and destruction by the Tatars (1453, 1498, 1508, 1516) and Turks (1675, 1688). In 1772 it was annexed by Austria. At that time its population was only 2,100. It grew slowly as a manufacturing and trading center. In 1918–19 it was briefly part of the Western Ukrainian National Republic, and then it came under Polish rule. From 1939 it was part of Soviet Ukraine. Today its industry consists of footwear, canning, and powdered-milk factories. The town's architectural monuments include the remains of the fortress, which was destroyed and rebuilt several times between the 14th and 17th centuries, the 16th-century Saint Nicholas's Church , and the Carmelite monastery and church (1635). The town also has a regional studies museum.

Vynnyts’kyi, I. (ed). Terebovel’s’ka zemlia: Istorychno-memuarnyi zbirnyk (New York–Paris–Sidney–Toronto 1968)

[This article was updated in 2012.]

Image - Ruins of the Terebovlia castle, Ternopil oblast. Image - Ruins of the Terebovlia castle, Ternopil oblast. Image - A town hall in Terebovlia, Ternopil oblast. Image - A monument of Prince Vasylko Rostyslavych in Terebovlia. Image - Terebovlia: view of the castle ruins.

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